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Presocratic Writings - Greek
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the presocratic writings - original greek texts
epimenides of crete
hêsiod of ascra
phôcus of samos
cleostratus of tenedos
pherecŷdes of syros
theagenes of rhêgium
acusilâus of argos
the seven sages
thales of milêtus
anaximander of milêtus
anaximenes of milêtus
pythagoras of samos
older pythagoreans I: kerkops
older pythagoreans II: petron
older pythagoreans III: bro(n)tinos
older pythagoreans IV: hipassos
older pythagoreans V: kalliphon und demokedes
older pythagoreans VI: parm(en)iskos
xenophanes of colophôn
hêracleitus of ephesus
epicharmus of syracuse
alcmaeôn of crotôn
parmenides of elea
zênô of elea
melissus of samos
empedocles of acragas
menestôr of sybaris
thrasyalces of thasos
iôn of chios
damôn of athens
hippôn of samos
phaleas of chalcêdôn and hippodâmus of milêtus
polycleitus of argos
oenopides of chios
hippocrates of chios
theodôrus of cyrênê
philolaus of tarentum
eurytus of southern italy
archippus and lŷsis of tarentum; opsimus of rhêgium
archŷtas of tarentum
occelus (or ocellus) of lucania
tîmaeus of italian locri
hicetas of syracuse
ecphantus of syracuse
xenophilus of chalcidicê
diocles, echecrates, polymnastus, phantôn, arîôn of phliûs
prôrus of cyrene, amŷclas, cleinias of tarentum
damôn and phintias of syracuse
sîmus of poseidônia; myônides and euphranôr
lycôn (or lycus) of tarentum
pythagorean school
anaxagoras of clazomenae
archelâus of athens
mêtrodôrus of lampsacus
îdaeus of hîmera
diogenes of apollônia
cratylus of athens
antisthenes of ephesus
leucippus of abdêra
dêmocritus of abdêra
nessas of chios
mêtrodôrus of chio
diogenes of smyrna
anaxarchus of abdêra
hecataeus of abdêra
apollodôrus of cyzicus
nausiphanes of teos
diotîmus of tyre
biôn of abdêra
bôlus of mendê
the older sophists: name and concept
prôtagoras of abdêra
prôtagoras of abdêra - a: quoted in ancient sources
prôtagoras of abdêra - b: extant original fragments
prôtagoras of abdêra - - C:
xeniades of corinth
gorgias of leontîni
lycophrôn 'the sophist'
prodicus of ceos
thrasymachus of chalcêdôn